Its raining, hard
Its cold, colder inside
pieces are missing
It spilt out of her eyes, ages ago
She squats, holding her tummy,
It's her favourite position
It appeases the hunger
The darkness overcomes
Can't light a fire,
She draws her sweater closer
Puts her school jacket on
But wind blows straight through her
She's too thin, too broken, too damaged
Life put her outside, nowhere to hold
Deep gashes in her back
Ridges of pain criss cross
Festering quietly, making her sick
her white shirt stuck to her skin
Alone, she faces the world
She will not stand with the others
She's ashamed guilty
She's dirty, greedy men
They don't see her
They only know her price
Its a kind of suicide really
Going down on a man
It's a way to die, raw and human
She wants to die
But she doesn't know how
She didn't have to care,
She wants to die
But she doesn't know how