Sunday 12 August 2018

Urgent: Lost writing voice

Looking for my writing voice. No, its not the reasonable voice in my head.  No, its not the unreasonable voice in my head.  Its kinda like the one that is the audience of all these voices. No I'm not delusional nor do I have to take tablets for it.

I wake up in the morning and they are screaming at me. Encouraged by my dreams, the audience reassures the reasonable and unreasonable that anything is possible.  Yet the universe does nothing to help me produce any evidence of it. Its very annoying.

I won't bore you with the details of Freud's tale of the ID, Ego and Superego but needless to say my ego-ideal is the only thing getting me through the day right now. My ID impulsively wants me to go home to the familiar, my ego makes me feel bad through guilt citing very practical reasons and my super-ego is in a flat spin because my conscious and ego-ideal is pitted against each other. 

Here I sit,  on a blue chair, still trying to find my voice.   If anybody has heard it, can they please comment in the section below. I think it was last seen sometime in my childhood but I can't be sure.
I really do not want to open the repressed memory section today thanks.